Saturday, December 18, 2010

That Part of You

The crescent moon
waxing behind clouds.
The ice,
thin crystals separating
pond sludge from air.

One leaf clings to the branch
and lets fly.

Away, away
tumbling across the crust of snow.
So fragile

like the ephemera you collect
that part of you
sensitive, artistic
hidden behind rules and regulations,
tightness and fear.

Now, a scrim forms between you
and what you might become
inviting surprises
inviting a different path than envisioned.
What do you see? What do you see?

1 comment:

  1. wow,

    The crescent moon
    waxing behind clouds.
    The ice,
    thin crystals separating
    pond sludge from air....

    love the opening lines,
    your poetry is divine!
